Intended for healthcare professionals

Dermatology Education Programmes for Healthcare Professionals

A Pre-referral Care Pathway for the Management of Paediatric Atopic Eczema in Primary Care

by Aneurin Bevan Health Board


Referrals into secondary care for children with atopic eczema are increasing signifcantly. It has been identifed that most children do not require specialist input and could be managed in primary care with basic eczema management. Aneurin Bevan Health Board’s care pathway has been developed to provide guidance to primary care practitioners in relation to appropriate prescribing of topical treatments, particularly in relation to adequate quantities of topical steroids. The aim is to provide baseline management to ensure that referrals received require specialist intervention and, as a result, reduce waiting times for those requiring such care.

Dermatology in practice 2023; 29(1): 15–15
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